Tot ziens op de pistes vanaf 14 december


donderdag 21 november Bijgewerkt op 11-21-2024 om 8:06

Boek uw verblijf Koop jeski- en wandelpas Vinduw route
Donderdag 2024.11.21 -5°C l -1° C Très nuageux, courtes éclaircies

Mostly cloudy, with snow with threat of thunderstorm during the day and early in the night. In the first hours of the night fresh west southwesterly winds in Tarentaise and Vanoise with gusts reaching 95 km/h.Elsewhere lighter winds.

Donderdag 2024.11.21 -5°C l -1° C

Mostly cloudy, with snow with threat of thunderstorm during the day and early in the night. In the first hours of the night fresh west southwesterly winds in Tarentaise and Vanoise with gusts reaching 95 km/h.Elsewhere lighter winds.

1100 m Inconnu 0 / 10
Donderdag 2024.11.21 Vrijdag 2024.11.22 Zaterdag 2024.11.23 Zondag 2024.11.24
Temperatuur -5°C | -1°C -5°C | -6°C -6°C | 4°C 1°C | 9°C
Windsnelheid 18 km/h 18 km/h 7 km/h 11 km/h
Isothermische grens 0°C 1100 m 900 m 800 m 2800 m
Zichtbaarheid Inconnu Inconnu Inconnu Inconnu
UV-index 0 / 10 1 / 10 2 / 10 0 / 10

Weer Arc 1600 / Arc 1800