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maandag 24 februari Bijgewerkt op 02-24-2025 om 8:06
maandag 24 februari Bijgewerkt op 02-24-2025 om 8:06
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Geïnspireerd door grote kunstenaars als Bernini, Borromoni en Guarino Garini ontstond de barokke kunst in Italië en ontwikkelde zich in heel Europa in de 17e en 18e eeuw. Tijdens deze periode werden de kerken en kapellen van Savoye, vaak van middeleeuwse oorsprong, vergroot of getransformeerd. Terwijl de buitenkant sober bleef, werd het interieur rijkelijk versierd: in het koor stond het altaarstuk in het middelpunt van de belangstelling en werd het een ware catechismus in beelden. Barok is de kunst van de enscenering, van beweging met het spel van draperie en licht, van trompe l'oeil, van verguldsel en felle kleuren, van rondingen en tegenbochten, van voluten, van dramatisering en theatrale enscenering... Het is de uitdrukking van grandioosheid en overdaad om de gelovigen te verleiden.
Monvalezan has managed to conserve its 17th-century church intact. In 2014, however, it became necessary to restore the murals: this showcased the original Baroque keystones. Other masterpieces await you inside.
During the 17th century, the parish of Montvalezan was under the jurisdiction of the Hospice of the Le Petit-Saint-Bernard mountain pass; its coat of arms can furthermore be found carved into the lintel of the gate at the entrance to the garden...of the priest! Johan Ducloz, appointed parish priest of Montvalezan in 1664, was the governor of the hospice at that time.
His friend from Maurienne, the sculptor Fodéré, realised a rood beam at his request similar to that in Séez, as well as some of the statues that can still be seen in the church today.
The 18th-century main altarpiece is an entirely Baroque explosion of twisted columns, cherubs and statues of saints. As if stuffed into the back of a chancel that appears too small for it, it has a central painting depicting the Baptism of Christ. On either side, three twisted columns wrapped in a variety of leaves separate it from the side panels, which are divided into niches and rectangular cartouches decorated with carved, gilded scenes. In addition to the Four Evangelists, statues of St. Bernard-des-Alpes and bishops bring this ensemble to life.
In front of this setting, where all eyes meet, the massive two-level tabernacle is flanked by two imposing reliquaries.
At the top of the right-hand nave, the altarpiece of the Rotary sits in majesty, devoted to the worship of the Virgin Mary. An interesting altarpiece devoted to the Souls in Purgatory, also from the 18th century, can be found in the middle of the left-hand nave and is worth a look.