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zaterdag 27 juli Bijgewerkt op 07-27-2024 om 8:06

Boek uw verblijf uw verblijfMountain bike pass Ontdek30 zomeractiviteiten

Ontdek nu alle fietsroutes op het domein, sommige voor e-bikes

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Bike Park Les Arcs / Peisey-Vallandry

Hot Wheels - E-Bike - Cross Country

Difficult 11,6km cross-country circuit. A steep-sided loop with panoramic views across the valley, passing through several picture-postcard hamlets. Tracks suitable for vehicles and single-track paths. For experienced riders only. This route is also suitable for e-bikes.

12.5 km 615m D+ -425m D-

Durée : min
Altitude maximum : 1717m
Type de parcours : Boucle

Télécharger le tracé


From Arc 1600 or 1800, on shared path, take the Bellecote track.
Forest track passing below the resort of Arc 1800 then above the resort of Vallandry to reach the village of Plan Peisey. Along the track, there is a magnificent view over the Tarentaise Valley, the "Versant du Soleil" and the Bellecote North Face.

E-BIKE Caution ! We advice you to pay attention to others because you can cross other biker on the way up as on the way down.

Période d’ouverture

Van 06/07 tot en met 31/08/2024.


Onder voorbehoud, van de weersomstandigheden.


L'itinéraire est balisé.

Précisions balisage

Panneaux carrés fond blanc et rouge - flèche orange

Descriptif « pas à pas »